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 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Assoc. Prof. İlke Ciritci's article has been published

The article titled Iranian Industrial Heritage: Adaptive Re-use of the Rayy Cement Factory, written by Assoc. Prof. İlke CİRİTCİ, faculty member of the architecture department, with Samin Shadnia, was published in English in the Journal of Architecture, Arts and Heritage (JAH) - Vol 3, Issue 3, November 2023 e-ISSN: 2822-437X. The relevant article can be accessed via the link https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/4166129.

In summary, the article aims to discuss the solution proposals for the building located in the city of Rayy in Iran, which was originally a cement factory, falling out of use as a result of not being able to find a use suitable for its original purpose. Iran has many cultural artifacts from ancient times to the present day. As a result of the developments in recent centuries, there are valuable artifacts from Iran's industrialization period that have been preserved and re-functioned and brought back to life. Preserving the structure in question will not only add value to the city, but will also strengthen the sense of belonging of the city dwellers to the city they live in as a group of buildings in the city's memory.