Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Workshop I: Understanding Historical Spaces and the Maiden's Tower

Architectural Design III students exhibited the poster work in their workshops in which they dealt with Maiden's Tower.

In the 2018-2019 Fall Semester MIM309 Architectural Design III , a workshop was organized before the museum to be designed by the students with the content of understanding the Historical Spaces and the Maiden's Tower.

The students examined the Maiden's Tower in the event, which was prepared as part of the design works and they presented their ideas with the posters they prepared. In the study where its history for more than thousand years, its importance for Istanbul and its place in literature stood out, students have developed various ideas about Maiden's Tower.
Prof. Dr. H. Şule Karaaslan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kutlu Alemdar, Assist. Prof. Dr. İlke Ciritçi and Assist. Prof. Dr. Gül Yücel coordinate the Architectural Design III workshop, and students will design museums in two different locations, with one of them at the historical city center.


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