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 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr

 TTO and TEKMER Directors of Universities in Istanbul met at IGU

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) hosted the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and TEKMER Directors of universities in Istanbul. The third meeting, which was previously held at Bezmialem Foundation University, was hosted by IGU this time. IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin, Vice Rector Prof. Necmettin Maraşlı, IGU TTO Director Yahya Kemal Kıran, BAP-K Coordinator Asst. Prof. Serap Yeşilkır Baydar and IGU TEKMER Director Hande Ceylan Dayan attended to the meeting.

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) hosted the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) and TEKMER Directors of universities in Istanbul. The third meeting, which was previously held at Bezmialem Foundation University, was hosted by IGU this time. IGU Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin, Vice Rector Prof. Necmettin Maraşlı, IGU TTO Director Yahya Kemal Kıran, BAP-K Coordinator Asst. Prof. Serap Yeşilkır Baydar and IGU TEKMER Director Hande Ceylan Dayan attended to the meeting.
The meeting was organized in order to strengthen the cooperation of universities in Istanbul and to improve the common working ground in the fields of technology transfer and entrepreneurship. In the event, which started with the presentation of IGU TTO Manager, important exchanges of views on support and information sharing were held between the participants.

One of the most important items of the agenda was the strategies to increase the sharing of knowledge and experience between TTO and TEKMERs. Participants discussed common steps that can be taken to strengthen universities' technology transfer and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Suggestions such as organizing training programs especially for entrepreneur candidates, developing joint projects and strengthening inter-university support mechanisms were presented.
A joint workshop is planned
While various strategies for TTO and TEKMER to establish closer cooperation with the business world and entrepreneurs were discussed at the meeting, it was decided to organize a joint workshop at the next meeting.
At the end of the meeting, it was emphasized that the meetings held on this subject played an important role in strengthening Istanbul's technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem. It was also stated that such events to be held regularly would constitute an effective model not only at the regional but also at the national level.
This strong cooperation between universities in Istanbul is considered as an important step in rapidly bringing innovations from the academic world to the sector and increasing opportunities in the field of entrepreneurship.

TTO and TEKMER Directors of Universities in Istanbul met at IGU


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