Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture - mmf@gelisim.edu.tr

 TUBITAK support for IGU academician Assoc. Prof. Anıl Niş's project!

The project titled "Investigation of Strength and Durability Performance of Geopolymer Composites with Different Rates of Fiber and Nanomaterial Additives", in which Asst. Prof. Hamit Öztürk participated as a researcher and led by IGU academician Assoc. Prof. Anıl Niş, was entitled to be supported within the scope of TUBITAK 3501 Career Development Program.

The project titled "Investigation of Strength and Durability Performance of Geopolymer Composites with Different Rates of Fiber and Nanomaterial Additives", in which Asst. Prof. Hamit Öztürk participated as a researcher and led by IGU academician Assoc. Prof. Anıl Niş, was entitled to be supported within the scope of TUBITAK 3501 Career Development Program.
An important step for environmentally friendly and durable building materials
Offering innovative approaches in the field of advanced material technologies, the project aims to make significant contributions to the sector in terms of environmental sustainability and durable building materials production. The study will examine the use of fiber and nanomaterials at different rates to improve the performance and durability of geopolymer composites. In this context, it is aimed to develop environmentally friendly and high-performance building materials.
It will contribute to science and the sector
The scientific approach of the project aims to reveal the strength and durability parameters by analyzing the effects of fiber and nanomaterial additives on geopolymer composites in detail. It is predicted that the results of the study will inspire environmentally friendly production processes in the building materials sector and enable the development of innovative products supported by advanced technologies.

TUBITAK support for IGU academician Assoc. Prof. Anıl Niş's project!


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